There’s a famous quote by Alfred Wainwright: “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” After enjoying unseasonably warm weather for the first couple of weeks of the term, the Voyagers set off for their first offsite trip on a day when the heavens poured. Yet, armed with waterproof clothing, a playful attitude and a thirst for learning, the Voyagers had a grand adventure.

The day started off at the Blaise Castle estate, and after enjoying some time at the play park, they discussed the best places to shelter. The Voyagers then made their way up to the folly, seeing the advantages as to why a hill might be a useful place to settle.

From the hill, the Voyagers took in the wondrous scenery of Goram’s chair while being regaled with the local folktale of the two giants: Goram and Vincent who each dug out gorges at Clifton and Henbury as a way of competing to win the hand of Lady Avona (after which the river Avon is named). Smoke could be seen in the distance, adding a mystical atmosphere to the myth.

From there the Voyagers followed the trail of the river, noting significant changes in the landscape and consulting a map at Coombe Dingle. There was also impromptu dam building, a quick “how to throw a javelin” lesson with the walking sticks they had found in the woods, gleeful gathering of conkers alongside the weaving of history, geography, maths, social awareness in moving as a group and more in their surroundings.

The day rounded off by travelling on a train from Sea Mills to Easton and then a bus back to Fishponds. Although feeling tired by the end of the day, there was a lot of perseverance as well as joy in their journey and the Voyagers had thoroughly enjoyed it all.