Irving Chernev once said, “Every chess master was once a beginner.” A game of strategy, it was known as “the royal game” from about the 15th century in Europe as […]
Category: Voyagers
Voyagers – Theatre Trips
The Voyagers have recently enjoyed trips to see two plays. In December they travelled to the Old Vic Theatre to see a production of The Four Seasons. With use of […]
Apple Tree – Into Film Festival
Into Film Festival is a free, annual, UK-wide celebration of film and education for 5-19 year olds. Supporting a vision of putting film at the heart of children and young […]
Voyagers – Lantern Festival
As the days darken quicker, there is a yearning to gather in together to share warmth and light. The Voyagers celebrated this through making lanterns and lighting them to journey […]
Voyagers – Adventures in Local Geography
There’s a famous quote by Alfred Wainwright: “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” After enjoying unseasonably warm weather for the first couple of weeks of the […]