Voyagers & Discoveries – Eurythmy

The Voyagers and the Discoveries have been enjoying Eurythmy lessons this term from a specialist Eurythmy teacher. Unique to Steiner-Waldorf education, it is a form of expressive movement art, originated by Rudolf Steiner in conjunction with Marie von Sivers in the early 20th century.

Alongside an accompanying musician, the children are guided through specific movements that correspond to particular musical notes or spoken sounds. In addition, storytelling and poems are also used, enhancing the class’ Main Lesson content, helping to bring alive the stories and experience them in a different way. For example, with the Voyagers learning about Norse mythology, music pieces include Scandinavian folk songs as well as part of the Kalevala, epic poetry from Finland.

Benefits include improving coordination, spacial awareness and sense of rhythm, and together with the emphasis on group movement, can help stimulate a child’s social and emotional development. Steiner described eurythmy as an “art of the soul” and the children experience movement, music, poetry and stories in an age-appropriate joyful way.

This is how one of the Apple Tree teachers feels about Eurythmy:
“I like that in a time when there is so much noise, Eurythmy teaches the children to listen deeply. As we know, plants will grow in the direction of beautiful music – I hope that Eurythmy helps the child’s growth forces, guiding them into the space around them and encouraging positive growth.”