One of our brilliant Apple Tree mums organised a visit to Noahs Ark Zoo Farm for the children. The group was made up from Edens along with siblings from Oakens, Discoveries and The Orange Grove so it was a lovely social occasion for everyone to get together.
Our group was booked in as a home ed visit and along with having access to enjoy the whole zoo and play areas we were also able to partake in a ‘Habitat’ workshop. Brilliant host Paula discussed different environments and who you may find living there. The children were keen to be involved in the discussion and shared lots of brilliant answers and knowledge.
There were hippo tusks to identify, camouflaged animals to spot and a wonderful opportunity to meet Colin the hissing cockroach and Ralph the royal python.

The weather was definitely seasonal but the whole zoo was explored including the massive maze. We were able to join in with many keeper talks throughout the day including the elephants, andean bears and magnificent bird of prey display. The indoor play barn was very popular in the rain and it was wonderful to see all the children playing together and helping younger siblings, encouraging them to climb and explore.