The Oakens, Edens, Discoveries and Pippins plus some alumni gathered with their families at All Saints Church in December to bring the year to a close and celebrate their work.

Each group performed for the wider group starting with the Oakens who may be the youngest but their voices were loud and confident as they sang, amongst other songs, ‘The Rattlin Bog’ and you’d never have known they hadn’t performed in front of such a large gathering before.
They were followed by the Edens who recited a poem, danced and performed on their recorders.

The Discoveries danced as a group and there was a beautiful solo performance. They sang, amongst other songs “Ocho Kandelikas’ in Ladino supported by a parent on guitar to represent the Jewish heritage within the group.
The Pippins finished up with a mixed and highly entertaining range of songs including Rick Astley’s ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’! One of the group performed on the violin and went on the enthrall us with an engaging recital of The Millers Tale.

There followed an opportunity to gather together and view the children’s work while enjoying mince pies, clementines and warm apple juice. The day ended with some carol singing and full hearts!