Edens – Camp

This year’s Edens camp was held at Nettwood Farm in Somerset. Through a mixture of sunshine, wind and drizzle (basically typical English weather) Eden families enjoyed spending time together.

Many families went together for a long walk through the countryside – there was a surprising discovery of wild raspberries along the way, which caused much excitement in foraging this bounty from nature. Some children delighted in snacking immediately, whilst others gathered diligently so that they could make some jam once they got back to the campsite. This was enjoyed the next day on toast for breakfast.

The Apple Tree’s handwork teacher brought knitting, crochet, weaving and pom pom making supplies. Some chose to continue their projects from handwork lessons while others used what they had learnt to make something new – miniature knitted elephants seemed to be the popular option!

There was also plenty of time for whittling, exploring the play areas, seeing the site’s resident sheep and alpacas, roaming in the woods and playing games. After sharing delicious meals together, the children took turns and helped with washing up, thanks to some gentle encouragement and adult supervision. As the sun set, families gathered round the fire to sing songs, play storytelling games and toast marshmallows.

All in all, it was a pleasant way to spend time connecting with nature and each other, strengthening the bonds of friendship outside of the classroom.