The Apple Tree and their families came together to join The Hawthorns and children from Bristol Waldorf School to celebrate the festival of Martinmas. A time that, while rooted in Christian tradition, speaks to the universal light within each of us, a light we carry forward as the natural world’s brightness fades into winter. This celebration of inner light resonates with other traditions, such as Diwali, which is observed during the same season and similarly honors the triumph of light over darkness.

The celebration unfolded with a magical candlelit walk through the woods. The children, their lanterns glowing gently in the evening air, sang songs as they followed the winding path. The walk led them to one of their beloved play areas, where they gathered in harmony to sing together once more, their voices mingling with the stillness of nature. The evening concluded with a warm and nourishing treat, hot chocolate and ginger biscuits enjoyed amidst the woods, a moment of comfort and connection to end a truly heartfelt celebration.